
Sunday, 17 August 2014

Today's Car Boot Sale Finds

The weather forecast for today has been ever changing all week. This morning we woke up to find a sunny day with just a couple of white clouds in the distance, so we decided to head to the Chesire car boot sale. Once we had arrived the weather turned and was decidedly wet and windy, and I had to return the sunglasses I was wearing back to the car. We did not have as good a day as we have done in the past because of the weather but I have still managed to come home with some items that I am pleased with.

I have bought three Bomb Cosmetics items. Two lovely Christmas Bath Blasters and a bath brûlée gift set. The bath Blasters are Gingerbread Trees and Snowflake Chance. These will be Christmas gifts for my niece and cost me 75p each (they cost £2.29 new). The bath brûlée gift set contains 6 mini brûlées and cost me 50p. I will keep this for myself and use them over the next few weeks.

I bought a Boots No7 gift set that had come free with purchase. I am not so bothered about the case which will go into the charity bag but I wanted the cosmetics inside. It had a small protect and perfect face cream, mini mascara and eyeshadow. There had been a lipstick included in the set but the seller had kept this. This cost me £1. From the same lady I bought a glass bead necklace in shades of grey, black and clear glass for £2. I found a Gucci sunglasses case for 10p which is a little larger that some of the other cases that I have and will be great for holding some larger shaded sunglasses. I have had to fight David off this case as he wanted it for himself.

I bought three full size Soap & Glory body moisturisers from one young girl who sold them to me for £1 each. These retail at around £10 each so this was a real bargain. I bought a couple of Soap & Glory weekend bags for 10p and 20p each about a month ago so I am filling them with a number of Soap & Glory toiletries to give to my niece at Christmas. I even bought a "niece" Christmas card off the same girl for 30p so I am nearly set for Christmas for my niece and it is only August!

I am a sucker for cookery books but like them to be hard back, a reasonable size and have plenty of pictures as well as me having an interest in the recipes. I found a very clean copy of Brian Turner's Great British Grub for 50p. It has some great traditional British recipes in it which I will try out over the next few weeks.

There was one lady who was selling a lot of items that she had made herself during sewing and craft classes which she told me she used to run. She had this darling Christmas stocking which she had made herself from the sleeve of a jumper. I think this is a great idea and will certainly think twice about what I do with old jumpers or cardigans (I currently weigh them in for 50p a kilo). I might even keep a look out for ones that I can buy at car boot sales to turn into stockings myself. The pattern is fairly easy to draw up and it is minimal sewing. This cost me 50p and I also bought two gel handwarmers in cute bunny covers for 50p for the two from the same lady.

I bought 6 DVDs from 4 different sellers. Two of them are still sealed in their original packaging (Close Encounters and the Dark Crystal) and these cost me 20p each along with a double disc version of Armageddon. The other three (Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Pretty in Pink and Real Steel) were £1 each.

Finally I bought a selection of pottery items at £2.50 for the lot - 50p each item. The commemorative  plate is Royal Worcester and the two knives are Aynsley Pembroke. These all came boxed. The other two items are Portmeirion and match a coffee set that I have which is also in black but with a gold Greek key design. I do not know whether I will keep all of these items or not as the plate is currently selling on ebay for £8 upwards and the knives are around £12 or so each. I generally do not buy items to sell on but could not resist this job lot mixture for the price of £2.50 and thought I would sell them if I got them home and changed my mind about them. I may keep some and sell some.

At the end of the morning I had only spent £16 and come home with a real mixture of items. Two DVDs would cost me more than £16 at any supermarket so I think I did well. I will miss next week due to holidays but should be able to return for the first week in September.

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