
Sunday 23 August 2015

Laptop Photographs

I got my iPad about 20 months ago and my faithful Sony Vaio laptop has been abandoned since then. The other day I realised that there were thousands of photographs on the laptop that were saved to the hard drive and could be lost. Several hours later and after blood, sweat and tears I ended up saving each photo individually to my web photo album. There appeared to be no other way of saving the files of photos. I 'googled' it and came up with lots of useful tips, none of which worked because the software on our laptop was so out of date that it would not support the various methods suggested.

What a time I have had saving all the photos. I have revisited so many holidays and happy moments. The changing shades and length of my hair, the shrinking and growing of my waistline (I lost over 9 stone in 2010/2011 and have then spent the next 3 years putting a lot of it,  although not all of it back on), the growing up of my nephew and niece. Looking at happy times spent with some relatives sadly now no longer with us. It has been just wonderful emersing myself in the photos and the memories.

What has this meant to me?
  • I recognise that I need to lose the weight again. I was happy and liked how I looked when I was thinner. I felt liberated. I could walk into any shop and buy clothes in my size which I can't do now.
  • I need to cherish the times spent with my loved ones. My career, my possessions count for nothing without the love of my family. We are all here for such a fleeting moment that we need to spend it with those we cherish and love most in this world.
  • Memories are more important than possessions. Remembering the happy times and experiences of holidays and weekends away has brought more joy to me over the last few days than owning the latest designer handbag or designer perfume ever would.
Here are some of my favourite 'laptop' photos.

My grandad at Christmas 2008 at our home eating Christmas lunch. Sadly no longer with us and greatly missed.

Myself & David on our first time on the Northern Belle visiting Edinburgh.

With my Dad and sister Karen on holiday in Scotland in 2010. There were 7 of us all together staying at the Kenmore Club. What a great week we had - so much fun, laughter and good times. 

With my niece Roberta (Bobby) and nephew Joseph (Joe) with Dad and Karen.

With David at the last ever Senior Officer's Mess Ball held at the Imperial War Museum North.

With David at Mount St Michel in Normandy when visiting my mum & stepfather, John.  I was slim, happy and with all my family.

With my Dad and sister on the same day

With my wonderful mum and stepfather John at their home in Normandy.

On holiday in Kas, Turkey and at my lowest weight for around 25 years.


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