
Monday 11 May 2015

Welsh Car Boot Sale

There is a small car boot sale on the outskirts of Porthmadog that we have visited a couple of times or so over the  years. It was cold and windy Sunday morning so we thought it might not be on but sure enough there were around a dozen stalls with a mixture of traders and those genuine carbooters who have just had a clear out of their homes and want to just get rid of their excess belongings.

I bought a very pretty Laura Ashley vase which is new and still has it's label attached for just £1 from one trader. It has lovely etching around it and will look so pretty filled with a small posy of flowers. I guess this would have cost between £15-£20 when new so I am really pleased that it was only £1. 

I found a pair of Nike trainers which had been worn a few times but were gently worn and at £2 are a bargain. They are a good fit for me and will be great for the amount of walking I have been doing recently. I reckon these will have cost around £50+ when new.

Finally I bought quite a few DVDs which were between 50p and £1.50 each. I also bought the boxed set of the first series of Mad Men for £3. This is currently selling for around £5+ on eBay so only a small saving but £3 is a good price for a couple of evenings entertainment. I have not watched this series at all but have heard so much about it that I thought I would give this a try. If I like this first series then I will look out for further series on car boot sales. 

David bought a few CDs at 50p each and a Quicksilver wallet for 50p which was new and unused. My sister found a number of books for 50p each and bought two Gossard bras for 1.50 for her daughter who was delighted with them as they were clearly expensive bras. Some would baulk at buying a second hand bra but they were freshly laundered and will be washed again before wearing. My brother in law found a fishing seat and some trainers which he was delighted with. The fishing seat was like a large green padded sun lounger and only just fitted into the boot of my car.

We have slightly missed the Cheshire carboot sale the last two weekends and are looking forward to returning there next weekend. We have our fingers crossed for good weather for the next three weekends so that there will have the maximum number of sellers on. We go on holiday for two weeks the weekend after these three weeks so want to get there each week for plenty of bargain hunting.

What did you buy on a carboot sale this weekend?

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