
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Monthly Plans

At the beginning of each month I like to think about what I plan to do that month at home. The plans sometimes go out the window because of other demands or like many others I simply don't have time or can't be bothered. However there are many months where I do achieve some or all of the plans that I make and I always feel so virtuous when I manage to achieve some if not all of them.

My plans for August are as follows:

  • Organise our garden shed that has numerous pieces of garden equipment simply dumped on the floor. At the back of the shed are some treasures that I can just glimpse. Some candles and some Cath Kidston style cushions for our patio chairs spring to mind. I need to retrieve these so that I can enjoy them while the summer weather lasts.
  • Sort out the front garden into some kind of order due to my neglect. I have concentrated too much on the back garden because I can see this from where I sit in the lounge, but I cannot see the front garden. Out of sight and out of mind. It needs some reorganisation with the removal of some shrubs and plants that have outstayed their welcome.
  • Continue with the Sunday Car Boot sales (weather permitting) to gain as many bargains as I can while the car booting season is in full swing.
  • Empty one of my 5 (yes I have 5 smallish freezers!!!) to a level that it can be deep cleaned and provide some space for new fresh reduced food. I want to prevent food sitting in the freezer for too long and getting freezer burn and in addition there are some items towards the bottom or back of the freezers that I have forgotten about. Time for some pot luck evening meals!!
Do you make plans that you manage to keep or do you have moments like me where you just can't be bothered?

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